Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Lab 3

View 5 Ancient wonders of the world in a larger map

Please note that the diamond shape area part of the assignment may not be visible upon opening this page and a zoom out may be required in order to view it. It lies in the central region of Iraq.

The pitfalls, potential and consequences of neogeography. 
Neogeography applications in todays world are extremely helpful for illustrative and non-formal uses. Anyone with access to a computer and minimal familiarity with google maps, yahoo maps, or a different online map service, can put together a map to illustrate a certain point or to give directions.
The fact that so many tools are now available for non-experts to create a map is terribly exciting for someone like me who has liked and had an interest in geography all his life. These tools not only allow one to explore various regions of the world such as boundaries and topography, but to also make assessments on various geographically related topics regarding any particular area. The danger with Neogeography is the high degree of responsibility, I feel, one must take in creating and presenting a map from a pre-existing toolset. As I've come to learn, all maps may reflect various degrees of distortions depending on their projection method, but also, depending on the point of view being illustrated by the person creating the map, biases must be considered. In topics of controversial relevance, particular importance and analysis of the map's creation method must also be considered in making an objective use of such map. There are many people out there, perhaps even a majority, who may think of maps as absolute points of reference. An awareness of spatial projection on a map, their methods, and the knowledge that not all maps are 100% accurate lead to a reflection on how best to use a pre-existing toolset for map creation, and also, most importantly, for what purpose.
Neogeography has brought a higher awareness of surroundings in people who have now begun to rely on online maps or navigation devices to realize their daily tasks by getting easily to where they need to go. This is a great result of the existence of these maps and navigation devices. People who may not have been aware of the topography or geographical general shape of their surroundings, now can see them projected on a screen. A risky consequence of the availability of pre-existing toolsets like this comes when people may use such pre-existing maps without considering it's source or creation techniques to illustrate points of social, religious or political nature. I believe we may be getting to the point where disclaimers on a map may need to be required as to their creation and source. Especilly when illustrating topics or points of controversial nature.

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